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Petland Mall of Georgia
August 5, 2017
When buying a dog there are some important factors that need to consider. This will ensure that you get the kind of dog that will suit your lifestyle and also enjoy the environment. In this blog are some of important things that you need to think about before bringing the pet home. Don’t want to wait to see pictures of all the adorable puppies we have in the store waiting for you? We understand! Just click here for our available puppies page!
Many people say that they love dogs, but when you tell them to bring one home they tell you they are not ready. I normally respect their response as it’s not good to bring a dog home when you are not ready. You need to prepare yourself both in terms of where you will keep it, what it will eat as well as emotionally feel that you are ready to have it in the house. It’s also important to ensure that other members of the family, especially children are willing to have the dog around. There will be competition for attention and the children would not be happy if they are ignored or their place taken. The same goes for the other pets in the house, they would also like to continue getting similar attention even with their canine friends around. Animals also experience conflict; this situation can be avoided by ensuring that they are well prepared to receive a new friend. As the owner, you have a role to ensure that you train the children as well as the other pets to receive the dog. If you feel that the environment is not conducive, take your time, and continue preparing until such a time when you and those around you are ready for an additional member.
When buying a dog, you need to get the right breed, one that will fit your environment and lifestyle too. There are those that like to be indoors only, while other are better suited for an outdoor environment. You’ll need to ascertain which breed will be comfortable in your home. If you have enough space and can allow the pet to roam outside without fear of roaming away from the yard, there are some breeds that fit that description. All that you have to do is analyze your environment and get a breed that fits in well. Experts and breeders can help you towards this end. Don’t make the mistake of selecting a breed blindly, you’ll only get frustrated!