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How to Buy a Puppy for Your Girlfriend

January 11, 2018

Now, we both know it’s time to take that step and buy a puppy for your girlfriend!

She tags you and comments with heart eye emojis on almost every puppy post shared on Petland’s Instagram profile. She can identify any breed of dog within seconds. When you visit friends, she greets their household dog with a juicy kiss. Let’s face it, your beautiful girlfriend is a dog lover and she’s been dropping hints about wanting a puppy. You googled “buy a puppy for my girlfriend,” to get the scoop on how to keep her smiling. Let’s cut to the chase, follow our simple suggestions below, and then check out our puppies right here! buy a puppy

Shopping for women is hard. Chances are your girlfriend hasn’t told you exactly which puppy breed she wants. At Petland, we meet couples in our stores every day shopping for puppies and we have found that girlfriends aren’t as picky when it comes to puppies as they are when it comes to purses. If you are planning on surprising her, avoid asking her friends or even family. Chances are someone will tip her off and the surprise will be compromised. Trust yourself and your knowledge of your special lady. If you know that she is especially fond of a few specific breeds, swing by your nearest Petland and let our staff help you choose the puppy with a personality that matches your girlfriend’s. While breed is important, connecting with the puppy will make the experience of pet parenting even more special for your girlfriend.

Petland is committed to the responsible sourcing of puppies, so it’s a great place for one stop puppy shopping. Petland’s #1 priority is animal welfare and the quality of our pets. Our puppies come from two primary sources:

  1. USDA licensed breeders and distributors with no direct violations on their latest inspection report. The breeders have a veterinarian documented socialization and exercise program and follow the veterinarian’s protocol for skin, coat, nail, and dental hygiene.
  2. Hobby breeders as defined by the Animal Welfare Act, who raise their dogs in a humane manner.

After you have chosen the puppy of your girlfriend’s dreams, you should plan to reveal it to her as a surprise. Youtube has awesome inspirational footage of loving boyfriends surprising their unexpected girlfriends with puppies. Be sure to record your girlfriend’s reaction of her new Petland Puppy. We’d love to watch!

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