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7 Effective Flea and Tick Prevention Tips for Dogs

July 8, 2020

It can feel like every time your dog comes inside, they’re bringing something new from outside. Whether it’s Campylobacter germs or parasites, it’s a never-ending journey to keep your dog happy and clean.

But sometimes, all the cleaning in the world won’t get rid of a pest. And after a certain point, the constant menace that is ticks and fleas start to slide into this category. So what can you do about it? 

Well, you’ve come to the right place. We’re here to break down the top 7 effective flea and tick prevention tricks for dogs!

But enough preamble, right? Let’s hop right in!

1. Mow the Lawn

No, this isn’t a passive-aggressive reminder to do your chores. Rather, it’s a way to lower the number of fleas and ticks in your yard, as ticks like to perch on tall grass so they can latch onto unsuspecting targets. Keeping your yard clean will also help reduce your flea population since they like to hide out in dense, moist places (like piles of branches or leaves). 

2. Stay Alert Year-Round

Another important tip to keeping ticks and fleas off your dog is to not drop your guard when the seasons change. Sure, spring and summer are the “big” seasons for these pests, but they can survive indoors even during winter-time. So if you want to play it as safe as possible, make sure to treat your dog year-round to prevent a surprise attack.

3. Watch the Expiration Dates

Make sure to cycle out any old tick or flea prevention products that are past their prime. Their effectiveness starts to drop a whole lot over time (especially once the expiration date is passed). 

4. Check Your Dog

Whenever your dog comes inside, give them a tick and flea check. Check their body for any small bumps, including their paws and armpits. If you find a tick has burrowed into their skin, make sure to use a tweezer to take the tick out with care rather than ripping it out (as the head will remain lodged in the skin, and as such spread diseases like Lyme disease into your dog’s bloodstream). 

For finding fleas, check any part of your dog where their coat is thinner, as this is where fleas like to congregate.

5. Take a Pill for Tick Prevention

If you’re looking for a “vaccine” of sorts for your dog, ask your vet about getting anti-tick medications for your dog. They only have to take it once a month, and it helps kill ticks and mess up how fleas operate.

6. Make Sure You Know How to Use Tick Collars Properly

If you buy a tick collar for your dog, make sure the collar is touching their skin (so the repellant can work). That said, make sure to leave enough space for you to slip two fingers underneath the collar so it isn’t too tight around your dog. If your dog develops a rash of any kind, discontinue use.

7. Get Those Check-Ups

As much as your dog may detest going to the vet, getting regular check-ups helps keep them free of fleas and ticks. This is because vets know how to find signs of tick or flea infestation fast and dispose of the pests with ease to keep your dog happy.

Keeping Your Best Friend Safe

Congratulations! Now that you know the top 7 effective flea and tick prevention tricks, you’re ready to keep your furry friend free from any pest attacks! And if you need the best in pet protection products, come give us a look and see how we can help!

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